Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Graphic Design 1: Logo and Symbol Book

Assignment: Design a book layout using the symbols from project 2 and use one symbol to create a company' logo

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Graphic Design 1: Symbols

Assignment: Create 9 symbols for baking with themes in black and white and color

1. Anomaly
2. Curvilinear/Rectilinear
3. Direction
4. Focal Point
5. Gradation
6. Organic/Geometric
7. Positive/Negative
8. Radiation
9. Repetition

Monday, September 27, 2010

Graphic Design 1: Typography

Assignment: Take Lyrics to your favorite song and express them using typography and the given task.




Weight and Size



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Marilyn Monroe Photoshop Animation

A photoshop animation telling the different conspiracy theories of Marilyn's death

CD Jacket Design:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Fearless CD Remake

Assignment: Take your favorite band and remake their CD cover, 3 lyric pages, and CD Backcover (ALL IMAGES MUST BE CREATE BY YOU NOT THE INTERNET)

Front cover:
Love Story Lyrics:
Fearless Lyrics:
You're Not Sorry Lyrics:
Back Cover:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Business Cards In Illustrator

Create 3 business cards 1. A professional one 2. A crazy one 3. One you would actually use

Begining Digital Arts: Self Portait in Illustrator

Assignment: Take a picture of yourself and recreate it in Illustrator

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Calligram in Illustrator

Assignment: Make a Calligram -I used lyrics of Teardrops on my Guitar by Taylor Swift

Begining Digital Arts: Company Logo in Illustrator

Assignment: Make a logo for a company

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Sentence Project

Sentence: Each time the addict came closer to his perfect universe.

Picture 1.
Picture 2.

Picture 3.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: Human Landscape

Assignment 5: Make a landscape out of human body parts

Begining Digital Arts: Mechanical Landscape

Assignment 4: Make a landscape using different man made or mechanical things

Begining Digital Arts: Natural Landscape

Assignment 3: Create a natural landscape out of things in nature

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Begining Digital Arts: James Depp

Assignment 2: Put Two Celebrities together

Begining Digital Arts: Me as Marilyn Monroe Andy Warhol style

Assignment 1: Merge a picture of yourself and a famous piece of art work

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SIM: Tic-Tok Music Video

Sound, Image, Motion Assignment: make a music video